Election Date: November 8, 2016

Poll Hours: 6am–9pm
In New York all poll locations should be open for these hours.

In New York all poll locations should be open for these hours.

Poll Locations


This Poll Site Locator Tool not only tells you where your polling location is based on your address, but it also shows you your local, state and national districts.

Remember to write down your Election/Assembly District number. Often poll locations will serve more than one district so you will need to know which distric you are so that you can go to the right table in the polling location.

Absentee Ballots

If you cannot make it to the polls, visit this site for information about how to cast an absentee ballot. https://ny.secureballotusa.com/NY_loginSelection.action

Absentee ballots have the following deadlines:


Become a Poll Worker

CUNY Poll Worker Initiative

If you are a CUNY Student you can work as an inspector or interpreter on Election Day. You can earn $100 for working on election day and $100 for attending training and passing the exam. Click here for more information.

NYC Board of Elections Volunteer Opportunities: https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/org306545.jsp#opportunities_tab